Meet Board Member Alesia Ricks-Harris
Alesia Ricks-Harris, President of the board of Total Joy Are You (TJAY). Alesia Ricks-Harris is a proud HBCU graduate. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Speech Pathology and Audiology from Norfolk State University. She worked for the Accomack County School in Virginia for 3 years as a Speech Therapist. She also worked for Somerset County Public Schools in Maryland for 5 years as a Speech Therapist. During her career as a Speech Therapist is where she gained her love for working with children on the Autism Spectrum. During every summer Alesia would return home to Connecticut to work at Benhaven Residence. Benhaven is a residential setting for children on the Autism Spectrum ranging in age from 7 to young adults.
Alesia moved to Connecticut and began working for the Department of Children and Families as a Social Worker. She worked as a Treatment worker, Investigator and a Special Investigator of Facilities and Daycares. Prior to her retirement in 2011, Mrs. Harris worked at the Department of Children and Families Hotline.
Alesia Ricks- Harris is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc., for 35 years. She is currently a member of the New Haven Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta, Sorority, Inc,. Alesia has held multiple positions within the sorority. She is committed to improving the community in which she resides and the world.
She is married to Anthony Harris, Sr. and the proud mother of 2 sons, Kolby and Kyle Harris. Being a mother is her best accomplishment but being a stepmother has enriched her life. Making the decision to marry a man with 3 children presented many challenges that have improved the quality of her life. Alesia believes that, “God will not put you in anything he won't bring you through”.
I am a very proud member of TJAY. Advocating, Empowering, Supporting people raising individuals on the Autism Spectrum is what Love. If they win, we all win!